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Critical invasive species now spotted in Kentucky

LEXINGTON, Ky.— A pest that can disrupt the state's natural environment and inflict havoc on multiple industries has entered Kentucky. The first spotted lanternfly was discovered in Gallatin County. This invasive species could have severe repercussions for the state's economy and quality of life if not controlled.  | Read |

Officials sounding alarm as invasive insect spotted near Kentucky

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) - Spotted lanternflies were first officially found in the United States back in 2014 at a Pennsylvania Landscaping facility that imported stone from overseas. Since then, the pests have made their way to multiple different major U.S. cities. “Lanternflies are a huge annoyance in the areas where they invade. Their populations get so big. They just fall out of trees, they can land on people...[Read More]

Spongy Moth Traps Have Been Deployed

Spongy moth, formerly known as the gypsy moth, is a pest that we don’t want to get established in Kentucky. To that end, a national effort known as Slow the Spread has been helping to monitor for and eliminate emerging… Read more ›

Kentucky's Alert! Changes coming January 1, 2022 regarding phytosanitary certificates! Office of the State Entomologist

Effective January 1, 2022 – all PPQ 577s and PPQ 579s will be printed on plain, white paper.  PCIT security paper will no longer be used or required.  More information can be found at: USDA Implements New Phytosanitary Certificate for Export and Phytosanitary Certificate for Re-export

Kentucky’s Alert! Processed Product Certificate to be removed from PCIT on January 1, 2022 Office of the State Entomologist

On January 1, 2022 Export Services is removing the PPQ Form 578, Processed Product Certificate from PCIT.  Exporters shipping internationally can no longer apply for and receive a PPQ Form 578.  Eligible commodities can be inspected and certified on a PPQ Form 577 or 579. If there are any questions regarding eligibility of commodities, inspections, or certification of processed grain products, please contact your ACO.

Kentucky's Alert! Changes are coming for Softwood Log Inspections and PWN Sampling for China Office of the State Entomologist

Two weeks ago China GACC provided USDA with an excel spreadsheet of 718 Notices of Non Compliance for mostly softwood shipments and a few hardwood shipments.  Due to this high number China has changed their regulations, but USDA has not been provided notice of when the changes will be implemented.   Until then, it is status quo. 

Kentucky's Alert! Boxwood Blight Quarantine Office of the State Entomologist

WHAT WE ASK FOR YOU TO DO At the request of the production nurseries of Tennessee, the Tennessee Department of Agriculture has implemented a boxwood blight quarantine (effective February 4, 2018). This WILL impact any KY nurseries that ship boxwoods to TN.

Kentucky's Alert! Areas Outside of Kentucky Under Quarantine Office of the State Entomologist

WHAT WE ASK FOR YOU TO DO There are areas outside of Kentucky that are quarantined for Asian Longhorned Beetle, Emerald Ash Borer, Gypsy Moth, Thousand Cankers Disease (Walnut Twig Beetle), and other pests. Find if your state or local area has a quarantine in place for any pests of concern for the United States. QUARANTINES IN MY STATE/LOCAL AREA

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